About Me

After winning the battle of the bulge and taking off over 72 pounds, the key to keeping it off is shedding the emotional weight. I’m discovering who I am with new experiences in a size 4-6, things I’ve never encountered in my life before. I’m looking inside to figure out why I let myself get up to 207 pounds, hoping to let the inner skinny girl out. I’m battling the mirror, learning self-esteem, and what it takes to feel happy with myself. Hope you join me.

Starting weight: 207 pounds
Current weight: 135 pounds
Starting size: 16 and XL
Current size: 4-6 and size S

I now spend my time, working as a Personal Trainer and also a Team Beachbody Coach (the creators of P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire, and more). Everyday, I get to wake up and help others achieve success like I did- it’s the best job in the world!

Loves: magazines, my cat, London (who I very seriously think may be my only “child”), long runs to clear my head, Tony Horton’s cheesy antics, almond butter mixed into chocolate Shakeology, Jillian Michaels and her take-no-prisoners attitude, spagetti squash, and all things related to dry humor.

Nice to meet ya!

5 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi, Amy,

    First congratulations on your success thus far. I can so totally relate to the demons in my head that have ended up sabotaging me every time I’ve lost or been losing weight. I’m in losing mode right now and with the help of others like yourself, truth-talkers, on the web, I hope to make the same kinds of mind-speak changes you’re working on – oh to exercise for the joy and catharsis rather than the duty or fear!
    Second, I’d like to link to your blog, if I may, here’s mine:
    Much success!

  2. Hi Amy,

    Thanks for following my blog, people like you give me the strength to keep doing what i am doing, knowing thats there is light at the end of the tunnel.

  3. I saw your recent entry. I just binged on 1000+ cals…after a full day of eating 😦
    I am in my 30’s, I don’t exercise (fatigued, adrenals burnt, legs shot…can’t run, lethargic, very low iron). I DO NOT purge, and always constipated…so I’m basically just soaking up toxins….yes I’m underweight, but STILL , I feel SO SO SO guilty…I honestly feel my body needs a “flush” or “clean out” or “reset” or “detox” BUT I can’t lose weight…I just want to lose the junk and toxins in me and gain health and vibrance….I binge AT the SAME time on hummus, an entire box of crackers, a couple ounces of chocolate, then spoon in nut butter jar = 1/2 jar literally, plus a tub of yogurt…I don’t know how to “recover” when constipated, cant exercise and WILL NOT purge, or have enemas, etc (WAY too scary for me)…I’m lost…if you’ve ANY help, let me know…how do I “cleanse” from this? The guilt is insanely huge. Email me if you can !

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